Awarding Project

Provincial and Municipal Awards in 2021
  • Tangsteel New District office building EPC Project

    National Metallurgical Industry Engineering Quality Outstanding Achievement Award

    National Metallurgical Industry Engineering Design Outstanding Achievement First Prize

    Hebei Province Engineering Survey and Design Project Achievement Second Prize 

  • EPC project of raw material area in Tangsteel New District

    National Metallurgical Industry Engineering Quality Outstanding Achievement Award

    Hebei Province Engineering Survey and Design Project Achievement Third Prize

  • Tangsteel New Area pelletizing fined ore powder stockyard EPC project

    National Metallurgical Industry Engineering Quality Outstanding Achievement Award

    National Metallurgical Industry Engineering Design Outstanding Achievement Second Prize

  • Qinglong company pellet flue gas oxidative denitrification demonstration project

    National Metallurgical Industry Engineering Design Outstanding Achievement First Prize

    Hebei Province Engineering Survey and Design Project Achievement Second Prize

  • Engineering design optimization of Tangsteel large-scale environmental protection stockyard & Application and Innovation of Slip Method Construction Technology
    Hebei Metallurgical Science and Technology Third Prize
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