Awarding Project

Provincial and Municipal Awards in 2017
  • Technical Reform Project of High Strength Automobile Plate of TangSteel.

    Second prize Hebei province survey and design outstanding engineering.First prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering .

  • Stainless steel upgrade project
    Third prize of Hebei province survey and design excellent project.Second prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering.
  • No.2 blast furnace overhaul project in middle and thick plate area of iron smelting department of TangSteel
    Third prize of Hebei province metallurgical system survey and design excellent engineering.Second prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering.
  • TangSteel Internet + logistics platform construction project
    Second prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering.
  • TangSteel medium thick plate blast furnace gas and medium run coking gas replacement project
    Third prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering .
  • Tangshan Iron & Steel Group high strength automotive plate technology renovation project- Administrative center of factory front area
    Third prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering .
  • Tanghai Baofeng Lingang logistics co., LTD. Caofeidian Lingang international logistics park project- Logistics center
    Third prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering .
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