Awarding Project

Provincial and Municipal Awards in 2012
  • Shanxi Hanzhong iron and steel group co., LTD. 1080m³ blast furnace
    First prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering .
  • Xuanhua iron and steel group co., LTD. Staff hospital complex project
    Second prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering.
  • Third prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering
    Third prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering .
  • Xinjiang Tianye 2x600 tons/day white ash kiln first phase project
    Third prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering .
  • Teaching building of Dongshan primary school, Kaiping district, Tangshan city
    Third prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering .
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