Major display

Kinetic energy department

Release time:2018-04-24 17:54:11  

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Energy Business Department is one of the core technology departments of TSIC that has two majors of gas and heat with 32 employees. In recent years a large number of engineering practice has accumulated in the enterprise development concept 'innovation, coordination, green, open, sharing', relying on the iron and steel enterprise retreat relocation, industrial upgrading, capacity transfer and replacement, 'One Belt And One Road' construction and other opportunities,. At the same time, the energy department has made the comprehensive utilization of high temperature and high pressure boiler power plant ', 'non-return water seal to prevent the failure of the gas' and 'of steelmaking dust removal fan inlet drainer', 'steel plant waste heat steam generating plant', 'step by step sintering flue gas collection device' and so on dozens of patents driven by technology innovation, of which the technical and scientific research level comfortably retained the industry leading position.

 Product and Performance


The business scope of gas specialty including consulting, design and general contracting work for oxygen production, gas cabinet, gas dechlorination, TRT, liquefied petroleum gas station, gas filling station, gas mixing station and integrated gas pipe network.

FIG. 1.1 is for the HBIS Laoting Steel Gas Project,which include 2×60000Nm³/h super large oxygen production unit in the first phase and 2×40000Nm³/h oxygen production unit. The 3000000Nm³/h air compressor, 60000Nm³/h hyperbaric oxygen compressor, 50000Nm³/h low pressure oxygen compressor and other domestic and foreign advanced equipment are adopted, reaching the domestic leading level in terms of technology. The design achievements of oxygen production units of the department include more than 40 items of each grade from 3200 m3 to 60000m3.

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Figure 1.1 HBIS Laoting Steel 60000 m³ oxygen production project

FIG. 1.2 shows the gas tank project of 100,000 m³ in the South district of HBIS TangSteel. The gas tank performance of the department includes blast furnace gas, converter gas, coke oven gas and natural gas tank, and the capacity includes various specifications of 20,000 m³ ~ 300,000 m³.

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FIG. 1.2 100,000 m3 gas tank project in South District of HBIS TangSteel

Figure 1.3 shows the 2000m3 BF TRT project in the North district of HBIS TangSteel. The department can design blast furnace blower, BPRT and TRT for 450m3~3200m3 blast furnace.

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Figure 1.3 TRT project of 2000m3 blast furnace in North District of HBIS TangSteel

Figure 1.4 shows the comprehensive pipe gallery project of HBIS TangSteel. The Energy Business department has accumulated a lot of experience in metallurgical plant renovation and treatment in the north District of HBIS TangSteel and has made a lot of technical reserves for similar renovation and upgrading projects in the future.

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FIG. 1.4 Comprehensive pipe gallery project for capacity management of HBIS TangSteel

Figure 1.5 shows the 3000T/year LIQUEFIED natural gas storage and distribution station project in a city. Based on the design experience of the gas storage and distribution station, combined with the characteristics of liquefied natural gas and relevant municipal requirements, the best design scheme was formed after the comparative demonstration of multiple schemes, and good social and economic benefits were achieved after the project was put into operation.

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FIG. 1.5 LPG 3000T/year storage and distribution station project in a city

Figure 1.6 shows the gas pipeline project of TSIC Green metallurgy research and development Center. Through the communication with the municipal gas company, we established a good communication channel, which improved the quality of my own business.

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FIG. 1.6 Gas pipeline project of TSIC Green Metallurgy R&D Center

Thermal power

The business scope of thermal power includes the consulting, design and EPC contract work for  blast furnace blower station, converter vaporization cooling, air compressor station, waste heat power generation, gas power generation and integrated thermal power network project.

Figure 2.1 shows the 3D design effect model of HBIS Laoting Steel Centralized air compressor Station project, which consists of 14 centrifugal air compressors with a total installed capacity of 4400Nm3/min.

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FIG. 2.1 Centralized air compressor station of HBIS Laoting Steel

FIG. 2.2 is the project of 50MW gas-fired boiler power generation. This project has been running safely and stably since it was put into production, which has won the affirmation and praise of the owner. The design achievements of the power generation project of the department include more than 40 items of each grade of 6MW~60MW.

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FIG. 2.2 Power generation project of 50MW gas-fired boiler

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