Enterprise dynamics

TSIC held the signing ceremony for letter of responsibility to build fine culture and incorruption Party

Release time:2021-05-14 18:28:28   Number of reading:2418 

In order to continuously improve the level of fine culture and incorruption Party, and actively create a good atmosphere of fine culture, incorruption politics and clean work style, TSIC held the signing ceremony for letter of responsibility to build fine culture and incorruption Party on May 13. Liu Yuansheng, Chairman of TSIC, Dong Wenjin, General Manager, Cao Yuan, Party Secretary and Deputy General Manager, members of the leading team, Party branch secretaries, heads and deputy ministers of all departments signed the responsibility letter 2021.

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Cao Yuan pointed out that TSIC and its subsidiaries have always maintained a record of zero complaints, zero reports and zero cases on the issue of incorrupt politics over the years, which is an affirm for the achievements, but there can be no slackening. It is necessary to further consolidate the 'red line thinking' and the 'one post and two responsibilities' system through the responsibility letter, integrate the incorrupt politics into the management work, and create a fine working environment for the company with enough political acuity, and the awe of discipline and system.

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Liu Yuansheng put forward three requirements on the implementation. First, improve political stance and strengthen responsibility, effectively fulfill 'one post and two responsibilities'; Second, to promote overall planning and coordination, strictly implement responsibilities, and ensure the implementation of the responsibility system for building a incorrupt Party; The third is to do a good job in supervision and inspection, adhere to the prevention of small mistakes, consciously enhance the sense of responsibility, improve the consciousness for fine culture and incorruption Party, adhere to the bottom line and principles, escort for the company's better and faster development.

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